Life Coaching

image Life coaching is similar to counselling or psychotherapy. However, there are some differences. Life coaching is more goal oriented and we explore what the client wants to achieve in life and focus on how he/she can realise it. Also, life coaching tends to be short term. Sessions are offered for personal and professional development including assertiveness, raising self-awareness, stress management, anger management, transforming the negative into a positive force, listening skills, communication skills, finding oneself, relaxation.

Training, Workshops and Seminars

Training is provided in various settings and many different ways including workshops or seminars. These are examples of training.
  1. Cross-cultural issues
  2. Communication skills
  3. Psychological issues
  4. Mental health issues

Group work

The service includes support group or median group work, in which people can discuss and explore specific issues over a certain period of time, gaining support from each other. If there are particular issues or topics that interest you, please contact.


Training, tutorials and supervision are available to psychotherapists and counsellors. Please contact for further information.

Experience in this area

Examples of experience in organisational development consultancy and training include:

  • Training on cross-cultural communication between local and Japanese staff for Japanese companies in the UK
  • Cultural awareness, anxiety management and preparation for business trips to Japan
  • Training on cultural awareness for working with Japanese staff within a company
  • Training on cultural awareness and staff development in working with Japanese customers for British companies
  • Workshop on cross-cultural counselling
  • Workshop on mental health issues and cultural adaptation for the Japanese community
  • Training on midlife crisis for the Japanese community
  • Training on how to support elderly people in depression
  • Seeminor on reverse culture shock for JET programme
  • Seminor on "Japanese cross-cultural adaptation", Richmond College, London